What is a Mystic? (It’s Not What You Think!)

What is a mystic? A mystic is a person who is deeply spiritual and has a strong intuitive connection to the divine. Mystics often have a deep understanding of life’s mysteries and are able to tap into the spiritual realm with ease.

When I was Clairaudiently told that “Your sister is a mystic,” and that, “They are rare,” I was kind of shocked.

I thought my experience with mysticism in general, was quite limited, until my guides dropped this bombshell on me, and threw my idea of ancient mysticism out the window!

It turns out that I’ve known a mystic my whole life, who I never would’ve guessed was in fact, a mystic.

My sister is NOT an old holy man meditating on top of a mountain that knows the secrets of the Universe. And she certainly has had her fair share of difficult life lessons!

Peaceful and calm are two words I would not use to describe my sister…

So, when I inquired further as to what actually made my sister a mystic, my guides simply said, “She spent an entire lifetime developing her psychic skills and was able to bring her gifts into this life.”

Although open to many concepts that are termed “New Age,” my sister has NOT spent this lifetime practicing the mystical traditions.

She was simply born very very psychic by carrying over psychic wisdom gained from another lifetime.

She sees and hears spirits and guides, she can spot lies from a mile away, she knows most of her past lives, can read the Akashic records, and can also see dis-ease and facilitate healing within the physical body.

Mystic Definition

The definition of a mystic refers to both religious individuals, such as priests, and those who practice forms of divination or other spiritual practices for decades, often a lifelong pursuit. Mystics are wise beyond their years and possess incredible psychic gifts.

They may be able to connect with spirits in order to gain insight into the future or gain wisdom from those that have passed on.

Mystics are capable of connecting with energies on a deeper level than most people, allowing them to access higher levels of consciousness. This can give them access to knowledge that typical individuals do not possess, such as information about past lives or events that will occur in the future.

Mystics use their abilities for personal growth and for helping others by providing guidance and insight into difficult situations.

My sister is one such mystic; she’s been using her gifts for many years now, but has not always embraced her path as a modern mystic!

As a child, seeing spirits of departed loved ones terrified her. As a young adult, she wondered if she was just crazy for hearing and seeing things that others could not.

She tried to turn off her psychic powers with substances to just “fit in” and “feel sane”.

Now, as an adult, she has once again embraced her true nature as a mystic and begun to see her mystical side as the true gift that it is!

She helps friends and family understand their own journey through life by interpreting messages from higher realms, as well as their own physical bodies.

Definition of Mysticism 

Mysticism can be defined as having direct knowledge or insight into spiritual realities beyond what can be gained through physical senses or rational thought.

Out of the many definitions of mysticism I’ve read, this one hits the nail on the head for defining the modern mystic.

It cannot simply be the pursuit of psychic abilities or spiritual insight beyond what our physical senses can perceive, otherwise my spirit guides would refer to me as a mystic.

Although I have had many mystical experiences, visions and am very clairaudient, my guides still only refer to me as an, “Incarnated Angel.”

Therefore, mysticism is somebody who has spent years and years, if not an entire lifetime in the acquiring and develop of spiritual and psychic knowledge.

Types of Mystics

types of mystics
Types of Mystics

Mysticism is a broad term for a variety of spiritual practices that involve connecting to higher realms and spiritual energies. There are many different types of mystics, all with their own unique approaches and techniques.

One of the types of mysticism is shamanic, which focuses on developing an intimate relationship with the natural world and its energy.

Shamans often use trance-like states to connect with animals, plants, spirits and other aspects of nature.

They may also use rituals, such as drumming or chanting to help induce an altered state of consciousness.

Another form of mysticism is Kabbalah, which is an ancient Jewish practice focused on understanding the hidden meanings behind spiritual texts.

Those who practice Kabbalah seek to unlock hidden knowledge by studying the intricate symbolism found within religious texts.

Theosophy is another type of mysticism that combines Eastern philosophy with Western esoteric traditions.

It seeks to bring together different religious teachings in order to gain insight into the divine.

Theosophists often focus on meditation as a way to access higher levels of consciousness and gain enlightenment.

No matter what type of mystical practice you choose, it’s important to remember that each approach has its own unique benefits and can be used for personal growth, healing.

History of Mysticism

what is a mystic
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The history of mysticism is a fascinating one that dates back to ancient times. It has been practiced by many cultures and religions throughout the world, from indigenous shamans to Hindu yogis and Christian mystics.

In ancient Greece, for example, many believed that an individual could reach a higher state of consciousness through meditation, prayer or contemplation.

In Hinduism, on the other hand, meditation was seen as a way to attain moksha, or liberation from suffering.

In Christianity, mystical experiences were thought to bring one closer to God and even allow them to glimpse heaven itself.

Over time some of these practices have evolved while others have remained largely unchanged.

Throughout history there have also been those who sought to use mysticism for darker purposes such as sorcery and black magic.

Despite this, however, it’s clear that mysticism has played an important role in shaping our understanding of spirituality in both East and West alike.

Mental Illness and Mysticism

Mental Illness and mysticism have often been linked throughout history. Mystical psychosis was a phrase coined by Arthur J. Deikman in the 1970’s.

He observed that people’s accounts of mystical and psychotic experiences were extremely similar.

But, if one were to have a mystical experience, which side of the coin would they be classified as? Psychotic or a Mystic?

In my very limited experience with a close friend classified as mentally ill, it was classified as psychosis when her ability to function in “everyday life” was impossible.

Opening herself up to mystical experiences via drugs and alcohol and not the slow, steady, and grounded path of meditation, yoga, and other means of increasing psychic gifts.

Since I am very clairaudient and understand “hearing voices” well, I could see how some doctors may classify this as technically schizophrenic.

But, with the coming of the New Earth and the Age of Aquarius, many spiritual seekers are turning on their psychic abilities by the thousands.

So, where mental illness and mysticism differ is in the ability of the individual to function in day-to-day life. To feed themselves, clothe themselves, be calm, and hold down a job.

Mystics use their psychic abilities to “tap into” the Divine when answers are needed. They may go into trance, channel interdimensional beings, or in my case, simply psychically “hear” answers from spirit guides.

Then, they come out of that trance, meditation, sleep, channeling session, or other mystical union with spirit, and are calm and can function normally without panic.

While mental illness has been viewed as a sign of spiritual weakness in some cultures, others have actually used mysticism to gain insight into the causes of mental illness and even attempt to treat it.

In ancient India, for example, yogic practices such as meditation were believed to be beneficial for mental health, and considered an important part of their religious traditions.

The Hindu scriptures also describe the importance of living in harmony with nature and cultivating inner peace.

In medieval Europe, alchemists sought to use their knowledge of plants and minerals to create treatments for various forms of madness.

In more recent times, we’ve seen an increasing interest in the potential benefits of holistic approaches to mental health care.

This includes practices such as yoga, meditation, mindfulness and spiritual healing.

These methods can help individuals cope with depression, anxiety and other forms of distress by providing a sense of connection with something larger than themselves.

The relationship between mysticism and mental health is still being explored today.

However, it’s clear that many people find comfort and healing through spiritual practices such as meditation or prayer – regardless of whether they have a diagnosed mental illness or not.

Appearance of Mystics

Mystics are not limited to looking like an old Yogi man who sits in a cross-legged meditative pose all day. Nothing could be further from the truth!

Since my sister is a mystic, I know that mystics can look like anyone, anywhere, and may not want others to know that they are mystics.

20 Mystic Signs (Are You a Mystic?)

Mystics are special individuals who experience the world in a unique way. They have a deep spiritual connection to the world around them and can sense things beyond what’s visible to most people.

If you think you may be a mystic, here are 15 signs of being a mystic that could indicate you’re on the right track:

1. You have a Strong Intuition or Psychic Gifts – You can often tell when something isn’t quite right, even if there’s no logical reason for it.

2. You Feel Deeply Connected to Nature and Animals – You find comfort in being in their presence and can sense their energy. Let me simply say that this one does NOT apply to my sister! She hates camping and is allergic to pets. Although pets love and follow her around!

3. You have Vivid Dreams – These often contain symbols or messages that contain meaning or insight into your life.

4. You Feel Like an Outsider – While this can be difficult, it is also a sign of your unique perspective which allows you to see things differently than most people do. I have often described my sister as “born before her time,” and definitely born into a very close-minded strictly religious family.

5. You are a Highly Sensitive Person (Empath, HSP) – Highly Sensitive People, or HSPs, are individuals who tend to be more sensitive than the average person.

This type of sensitivity can manifest itself in a number of ways, such as being easily overwhelmed by loud noises, bright lights, and chaotic environments; feeling deeply moved by beauty or tragedy; having a heightened sense of empathy for others; and possessing an above-average capacity for understanding complex ideas.

6. You Pick up on Other People’s Energies – Whether they are feeling positive or negative vibes, you tend to be very aware of it and it affects your own mood as well, unless you have learned these 5 Little-Known Empath Protection Tools.

7. You have an Interest in Metaphysical Topics such as Astrology, Tarot, Crystals and More – these can all provide insight into understanding yourself better from a spiritual perspective.

8 .You Enjoy Spending Time Alone – Not because you are lonely, but because it helps restore your inner peace and balance your energy levels again after interacting with others for long periods of time.

9 .You Crave Solitude for Creative Pursuits – Many modern mystics are quite adept at creative pursuits that involve using your intuition, such as poetry, painting, sewing, or music.

10. Mystics are Powerfully Psychic – Mystics are powerfully psychic individuals who possess a strong connection to the spiritual world. They can sense things beyond what is visible to others and their intuition is often spot on. They may have vivid dreams which contain symbols or messages that provide insight into their lives.

11. You’ve Been Psychic Since Childhood – Growing up, I was a muggle by day and a “Voidwalker” by night. I’d Astral Project and wander all over my home and neighborhood in the astral realm.

I’ve also always had vivid dreams or “downloads” from the spiritual realm that provide invaluable guidance for myself and others.

But, my sister is no muggle by day! She was born very psychic as most children are, but her gifts never turned off, as most of ours do after about the ages of 4 – 5.

12. You Long for “Home” – You know Earth is heavy and dense and not your “true home”. You understand that you are not from earth, but here to learn very difficult life lessons for a short time.

13. Mystics are Often Bored – Everyday life may bore a mystic who has likely had many lifetimes doing much more “magical” stuff than just paying the electric bill on earth.

You may seek the euphoria of drugs, alcohol, or other substances to artificially induce that “feeling of magic” again.

14. Feeling Called “To Serve” as a LightworkerLightworkers are individuals who have a deep calling to serve others, often in the capacity of spiritual service.

They feel called to help those in need, or to bring light and love into situations that appear dark and heavy.

Lightworkers usually feel that they are here on Earth for a higher purpose, one that will benefit humanity as a whole.

It’s not uncommon for them to experience feelings of fatigue or confusion when it comes to their mission. They may also struggle with feelings of loneliness due to the lack of understanding from friends and family members.

That said, lightworkers can find solace in knowing that they aren’t alone in their journey.

The internet is filled with resources and support groups specific to the needs of lightworkers—from blogs, podcasts, and online courses to seminars and retreats dedicated solely to helping those on this unique path.

The most important thing for lightworkers is to trust their intuition when it comes to serving others.

By taking action on what feels right in their hearts and minds, they can discover even more about themselves—and make a real difference in the world around them!

15. Mystics are Free Spirits – Mystics aren’t bound by societal expectations or norms; they don’t need someone else’s approval or validation in order to be happy.

Instead, they find joy in simply being alive and living according to their own truth—whatever it may be!

A mystic also has an innate connection with nature, understanding that we are all part of the same cosmic energy.

They have a deep respect for all living things and feel a profound sense of responsibility for protecting our planet.

Above all else, mystics strive to stay true to themselves and follow their own path—no matter what obstacles may arise along the way.

By doing so, they can discover even more about themselves—and bring more light into the world!

16. Generally Don’t Buy into Organized Religion – Generally, mystics don’t buy into organized religion.

They don’t subscribe to a single set of beliefs or doctrines, and instead rely on their own intuition when it comes to matters of faith.

To a mystic, religion is not about following rules and regulations; rather, it’s about living in harmony with the universe and finding your own spiritual truth.

Mystics believe that true spirituality comes from within—and that no one else can tell you what is right or wrong for your life.

They also understand that everyone has different paths to follow, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to seeking spiritual enlightenment.

At the same time, mystics are not completely closed off to religious practices—many find solace in attending religious ceremonies such as church services or meditation retreats.

However, they are careful not to let their beliefs become too rigid or dogmatic; instead, they keep an open mind towards others’ beliefs and take what resonates with them from any source.

Ultimately, mystics recognize that all paths lead back to the same place: love, compassion and connectedness with the divine.

By embracing this commonality among all faiths, we can learn more about our own spiritual truths—no matter what religion we practice (or don’t).

17. You’ve Experienced a Spiritual Crises – Modern mystics may simply be born that way and reject the psychic powers and inner knowing that have made them feel left out of conventional society.

Despite the term and conception of mysticism, mystics actually walk all paths and come in all shapes and sizes.

They are not necessarily the “holy man on a mountain” as many believe, which is definitely the case of my sister.

Many who are born mystics from birth may struggle to find their footing in this heavy physical world.

They may want to give their psychic powers back, which was how my sister felt when she “saw” my fiancé’s cancer and no one would listen to her to get it checked.

This can lead to a spiritual crises, a crises of faith or trust in the Universe, or even a dark night of the soul.

18. When You Follow Your Gut, You Excel – Since mystics are powerfully psychic, they are usually Claircognizant as well.

This “clear knowing” allows the mystic to very easily make decisions based on gut instinct. They possess an intuition that is usually right, and can be especially helpful in business matters.

19. You’ve Experienced Enlightenment or Oneness, However Brief – I have heard this termed, “The Golden Mean,” “Oneness”, and “Enlightenment”. However you phrase it, it all means the same thing.

God is within us and we are within God. There is no separation between God, the trees, animals, or us. We are all connected.

Enlightenment could be called “Swimming with the love of the Source of all creation.” You feel the deep love, forgiveness, and understanding our Creator has for all of creation, even if only for a short time.

20. You Know that God is Love – Growing up with Mormon religious traditions, I bought into what I was told by my parents that God would get me, judge me, or punish me if I didn’t follow the rules.

I would not make it to the Celestial Kingdom of Heaven if I didn’t do as I was told and conform to the teachings of the church.

And I bought this dogma, hook, line, and sinker.

But, even as a child, my sister, a modern mystic, consistently would say, “That’s not my God. My God is loving, forgiving, and kind.”

I would tell her that she couldn’t look over there, dress this way, try alcohol, etc. etc. or Heavenly Father would be mad. And she’d reply, “That is not the God I know and love.”

Perhaps judgement and fear were never originally intended to be a part of many religions, but were simply a result of our own judgement and fear clouding Christ’s original message to simply love and be kind to one another.

When presented with a “one right path”, it is very easy for men to judge those who veer from the path, but is that really a loving, kind God’s way?

Spiritual mystics inherently know that God is loving, forgiving, understanding, and accepts that we will inevitably make mistakes on this planet.

This is how we learn, grow, and evolve.

How to Become a Mystic?

To become a mystic, you must practice the mystical arts for decades, if not your entire lifetime. This includes, but is not limited to: Chanting, prayer, meditation, time in nature, personal growth, yoga, Reiki, Spiritual Journaling, crystals, astrology, and transcending fear, shame, grudges, anger, and hate.

Modern spiritual mystics have often brought a psychic awareness and divine connectivity with them from developing their spiritual gifts in past and other lifetimes.

Also, simply by praying and asking Source Consciousness, or God for help in becoming a spiritual mystic will go a long way in you developing your mystical gifts.

Free will is huge with the divine realms, and you have to ask for what it is that you want and desire. Then, heaven and its beautiful guides and angels will go to work at helping you further your mystic magic.

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Benefits of Being a Mystic

Being a modern mystic is an incredible spiritual journey. Mystics have a deep connection to the divine, and understand the true power of inner peace, love, and oneness.

Self-realized mystics use meditation, prayer and other spiritual practices to tap into the divine source of guidance and inspiration.

The great thing about being a mystic is that it allows you to explore your own spiritual path in ways that are unique to you, without dogma, fear, or judgement.

You can access knowledge from within yourself and connect more deeply with your personal spirituality. Through meditation, visualization, and self-reflection, mystics gain insight into their higher selves and develop greater understanding of life’s mysteries.

Health Benefits of Mysticism

Health benefits abound when it comes to living the life of a mystic. Mystics focus holistically on their mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing, allowing them to become more connected with their true selves and the world around them.

Taking time to regularly “check in” with your brain and physical body, the modern mystic may be able to head off dis-ease before it starts by identifying the root cause of the problem.

As a result, this helps with problem solving and decision making as well as improving overall mental health.

On a physical level, regular prayer or meditative practices can help lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation and even boost the immune system.

Additionally, taking part in nature activities such as walking barefoot on the earth or swimming in natural bodies of water can help ground us while promoting better sleep patterns.

By taking part in these practices regularly, we can begin to experience all the wonderful health benefits that come from being a mystic!

Psychological Benefits of Being a Mystic

You don’t have to be born a mystic to pursue the mystical traditions. When you take on Mindfulness Meditation as a spiritual practice, much awareness is opened up to you.

Mystics understand the importance of mental and emotional wellbeing, allowing them to become more connected with their true selves and the world around them.

The practice of mindfulness can help reduce stress and improve one’s focus.

By taking time out of each day to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgement, mystics can find peace and clarity that allows for greater self-awareness. 

Spiritual Benefits of Mysticism

Being a mystic comes with many spiritual benefits that can help bring inner peace and understanding of the world around us.

By taking part in activities such as meditation, prayer, or chanting, we can tap into our spiritual side and connect to something greater than ourselves.

This connection helps create a sense of purpose while providing guidance on how we should live our lives.

There are also physical benefits that come with being a mystic. Regular yoga practice can help improve flexibility and strength while promoting better posture and overall wellbeing.

Additionally, taking time for daily reflection allows us to gain clarity on our goals and values which can help inform our decisions and set us up for success.

Finally, the path of a mystic is one of self-discovery and awareness, helping us to understand more deeply who we are at our core.

Taking part in activities such as journaling or creative expression can help us gain insight into ourselves while cultivating self-love and acceptance.

By taking advantage of these spiritual benefits, we can begin to lead more meaningful lives filled with love, joy and understanding!

Practices Used by Mystics

Many mystical traditions have practiced, and still practice, a variety of different activities to help them reach higher states of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.

These activities can range from meditation, prayer, yoga, chanting, and more.

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1. Meditation – Meditation is one of the most common practices used by mystics as it allows for a deep connection with oneself and the universe.

Through meditation, we can access our inner wisdom, allowing us to find clarity in decision-making and guidance in life’s moments of confusion.

It can also provide relief from stress and anxiety while allowing us to cultivate peace and joy within ourselves.

2. Prayer and Ritual – Prayer is another activity that many mystics use in order to connect with the divine.

By engaging in both vocalized and silent prayer we can open ourselves up to receive spiritual guidance that helps us on our journey to greater understanding and enlightenment.

Because they don’t want to interfere with our free will, my own spirit guides constantly say, “We can help, but you have to ask.”

Rituals may include building an altar, doing the 5 Tibetan Rites, or lighting a candle and journaling before bed.

3. Yoga – Yoga is also commonly practiced by mystics as it combines physical poses with breath work that helps to ground us in the present moment while aligning our body with our spirit.

Yoga also “clears out” the clutter from our auric, or energy fields surrounding our physical bodies.

This alignment allows us to feel more connected to ourselves while deepening our awareness of both the physical world around us and the divine within us.

4. Chanting – Chanting provides a deep connection to the divine through the use of mantras or specific sounds meant to harmonize with the frequency of whatever we are trying to tap into.

In yoga, we use mantras to activate, harmonize, and turn on specific chakras within the physical body.

5. Silence and Solitude –  These are incredibly powerful tools that can help us to reconnect with our true selves. Mystics use these tools by taking a few moments away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

They check in with themselves to find stillness and listen to their own inner voice.

The beauty of silence is that it allows us to take a step back from the world around us and just be present in the moment.

This practice gives us an opportunity to connect with our intuition, cultivate self-awareness, and gain clarity on any areas of our lives we may be struggling with.

We can use this sacred time to meditate, practice yoga or tai chi, or simply sit quietly in contemplation.

Solitude can also be a wonderful way for us to explore deeper aspects of ourselves without any external distractions.

It provides us with the perfect space for introspection, reflection and ultimately coming into alignment with who we really are.

This practice encourages us to go within and embrace all parts of ourselves – even those parts that may feel uncomfortable or vulnerable – so that we can experience true healing and transformation.

6. Studying Scriptures or Texts – This can be a profoundly transformative experience. In Jewish mysticism, kabbalah, they study the Torah.

Studying ancient scriptures and texts can provide us with new insights and knowledge, as well as spiritual guidance and understanding.

Whether you’re reading the Bible, the Bhagavad Gita, or any other sacred text, there are many benefits to learning the teachings contained within them.

One of the best ways to begin is by finding a quiet space where you can focus on your studies without interruption.

Then make sure to set aside some time every day to delve into the text – even if it’s just 10 minutes. As you read, take your time and savor each passage; don’t rush through it too quickly!

It can also be helpful to have someone else join you in your studies for support and accountability. Having an accountability buddy is great for helping you stay on track with your reading schedule and making sure that you actually take action on what you learn from these texts.

Finally, don’t forget to give yourself permission to interpret the teachings in whatever way feels right for you – after all, it’s your own unique perspective that will make them truly meaningful!

Famous Mystics

Over the centuries, many amazing mystic examples have graced us with their wisdom and insight. Here is a list of mystics in the history of mysticism:


famous mystics - Mevlana Rumi
Famous Mystics – Mevlana Rumi

Rumi, (one of my favs!), was a 13th century Persian poet who wrote extensively about spiritual love and union with God.

He believed that we all have the potential to experience divine ecstasy within our own hearts, and his teachings remain popular to this day.

Julian of Norwich

Julian of Norwich was an English anchoress who lived in seclusion during the late 14th century.

She wrote extensively about her visions of heaven, which she claimed were divinely revealed to her.

Her writings were some of the most influential texts in Christian mysticism during the Middle Ages.

Meister Eckhart

Meister Eckhart, where Eckhart Tolle got his first name from, was a 13th century German philosopher and theologian who had a huge influence on both Christian and Jewish thought.

He believed that true knowledge of God comes from direct experience rather than through reason or study.

His works on religious mysticism offered an alternative way to approach faith, one that emphasized the individual’s spiritual journey and relationship with the divine.

One of his most famous quotes is, “The knower and the known are one. Simple people imagine that they should see God as if he stood there and they here. This is not so. God and I, we are one in knowledge.” Through this quote, Eckhart showed us how we can access deeper truths by connecting with our innermost selves – something that is still relevant today!

William James

William James is a philosopher and psychologist who has had a lasting impact on the field of psychology.

He was an important figure in the development of functionalism, which states that mental processes are based on how they aid in the adaptation of organisms to their environment.

James held that each individual has their own unique experiences and perspectives which must be taken into account when studying the mind.

He believed that it was essential to understand a person’s subjective experience in order to make any meaningful progress in psychological research.

James also wrote extensively about religious experience, arguing that it can provide valuable insight into the human condition.

He was one of the first major thinkers to take religion seriously as a source of knowledge and argued for its importance in psychology.

His writings helped pave the way for modern religious studies, giving us an understanding of faith that is both scientific and spiritual.

These four figures are just a few examples among many others throughout history who have helped shape our understanding of mysticism today.

Through their works, they’ve shown us how we can access deeper truths by connecting with our innermost selves – and that is truly something worth celebrating!

What is a Mystic Catholic?

A Catholic mystic is a person who has cultivated a deep spiritual relationship with God that goes beyond mere intellectual understanding. Many Catholics throughout history combine religious experiences while walking the mystical path.

Through prayer and contemplation, the mystic seeks to understand the depths of God’s love, and to live in harmony with His will.

Catholic mystics often strive for union with God through meditation, contemplation, and spiritual practices such as fasting.

They also seek to live out the teachings of Jesus Christ by following the moral law of the Church. Some examples of famous Catholic mystics include St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and St. Catherine of Siena.

The practice of mysticism has been important in Christianity since its earliest days; in fact, it was an important part of early monastic life.

Mystical experiences can range from seeing visions or hearing voices to a profound sense of peace and joy at being connected to something divine.

While not everyone may have these kinds of experiences themselves, anyone can benefit from learning about these amazing people who have dedicated their lives to seeking a deeper connection with Source Consciousness, or God.

What is a Mystic? – Synopsis

A mystic is a person who has spent years, decades, or even lifetimes, tapping into the divine. They are wise beyond their years and have an innate sense of “knowingness” that transcends rational thought.

They possess almost “magical” psychic gifts that enable them to guide themselves and others through the heavy density of life on earth.

Mystics are still human however, and are NOT infallible by any means. They are still subject to the laws of attraction and karma.

They still have life lessons to learn and fears and karma to transcend. If you choose to walk the path of a spiritual mystic, do it with a childlike sense of wonder and always remember to be kind to those on the path behind you!

As always, spread the light!
