Hi, I’m Jamie!

I have been obsessed with manifesting since I first read The Message of a Master about 24 years ago! Since then, I’ve read it too many times to count, and it always strengthens my belief in my ability to manifest my desires as a Creator Being.
However, it wasn’t until my “bizarre” and very painful spiritual awakening that I gained the psychic ability of clairaudience (The ability to psychically “hear” spirit guides, Ascended Masters, and other spiritual beings.)
Once I realized I had become very clairaudient, I became interested in the Law of Attraction once again!
Before this time, I knew, like deep-down into the very core of my being knew that I could manifest using my mind…
BUT, I was trying to manifest AND getting very weak results!
I FINALLY ASKED the Ascended Masters for their assistance with manifesting my ideal life, AND they began working with me clairaudiently to “hone” my manifesting skills over the next 7 years…
The Ascended Masters helped make sense of some manifesting truths I already knew AND also gave me the most AMAZING manifesting secrets I’d NEVER seen shared anywhere else!
I knew I was onto something when what I desired FINALLY started to manifest!
A free trip to Hawaii, a free cruise, a free laptop, the exact couch set I wanted, and soooo much more!
This book contains the Master’s answers to your burning Law of Attraction questions in layman’s terms. No long-winded philosophical fluff that you can’t implement!
Just ACTUAL Law of Attraction reasons for doing things, simple hacks, and easy to use SECRET Master’s techniques!
Between stressing over bills, worrying about changes with your job, keeping food on the table, and all the craziness going on in the world right now – It is completely normal to feel tired, overwhelmed, anxious, and uncertain as to how you are going to make ends meet!
I created The Master Manifestor to help you the way I was helped by the Teacher’s of Light! To help you find more joy, more passion, and to finally make the Law of Attraction work for you!
It has been a game-changer for me and my husband and I want to share it!
Grief-stricken, addicted, near death, and depressed – I struggled for years to find my footing in life! I WOULD NOT have made it out without the clairaudient assistance I received from Spiritual Beings.
The Master Manifestor has been painstakingly gathered over 7 years, and compiled from hundreds of channeling sessions with the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and my own spirit guides! – To help you with MANIFEST and LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE!
They want us to be insanely HAPPY, spiritually awaken, and learn to manifest the life of our dreams! (Teach a man to fish and he’ll never go hungry a day in his life!)
In it, you will find out WHAT the Law of Attraction is, HOW the Law of Attraction really works, the PROPER way to turn on your 5th Dimensional Star Tetrahedron, and the SECRET Ascended Master’s Manifesting Techniques (I wish I’d known all my life!)
I absolutely HATE when people make promises they can’t keep!
But, the Ascended Masters and my spirit guides have NEVER lied to me… It took me a loooong time to trust them, but they have been consistent over and over and over and over… And, well you get the idea!
I searched for 24 years for information like this and NEVER found it, until I became clairaudient and asked the Masters themselves!
The Master Manifestor Includes ALL the Little-Known Manifesting Answers YOU’VE been dying to know!:
(It contains everything you NEED, nothing you DON’T!)
- – How the Law of Attraction Works
- – How to Uplift Yourself
- – How to Clear old “Programming”
- – How to Clear Money Blocks
- – The Master’s “Hack” for Instantly Quieting the Rational Mind
- – How to Visualize
- – When to Visualize
- – How to Supercharge your Manifestations!
- – No Long-winded Philosophical Fluff that you can’t implement!
- – ACTUAL Law of Attraction Reasons for Doing Things, Simple Hacks, and Easy to Use SECRET Master’s Techniques!
- – Ascended Master’s Quote: “Don’t worry [about money], use *******.”
- – 63 Jam-packed pages, INSTANT Digital Download!
I would LOVE it if you make this book as well-worn as my copy of The Message of a Master, as I have absolutely no reluctance in charging for this.
When you learn and practice these techniques, your ability to manifest ANYTHING you want from the 5th Dimension will become available to you…
And I know the price of this book is worth it, as it will completely change your life when you implement its wisdom!
I am confident this information is the BEST the Universal Teacher’s of Light have to offer on how to use the Law of Attraction effectively! (Because I’ve seen what’s out there. I’ve searched for it, read it, watched manifesting videos, and nothing else even comes close to this!)
Yes!!! I want to MANIFEST ANYTHING I want and live in JOY!!!
With the manifesting answers contained in its pages, I’ve been able to manifest greater things with greater ease, maintain a strong connection to my guides, have more energy, and most importantly – FEEL MORE JOY!!!
Only $38.88 and worth every penny!
I sincerely hope you take advantage of this special offer, and have sooo much FUN making the Law of Attraction finally work for YOU!
With love!